There are many different causes for diabetes both diabetes type 1 and type 2 it is important that you notice the first signs of diabetes. Diabetes is a condition which is caused through not enough insulin being produced by the human body this then causes a high level of glucose in the blood. I am going to explain both the causes and signs of diabetes in both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes is usually developed in young children or young adults, it usually develops quickly as the pancreas stops producing insulin type 1 diabetes is then treated with insulin shots however a healthy diet including a diabetic diet plan, exercise and managing your weight are all great strategies for controlling your diabetes whether it is type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
The causes of type 1 diabetes are thought to be from an auto immune disease this is basically the human body trying to protect its self against other parts of the body. The human body produces antibodies which attach them selves to the beta cells in the pancreas. The antibodies are thought to be destroying the cells which produce the insulin in the pancreas and therefore have an effect on the rate at which the body produces the insulin.
The causes of diabetes type 2 are increased development of glucose in the liver, insulin abnormalities, genes and the environment. There are many other causes such as obesity, old age, heredity conditions and also alcoholism which can play a role in the occurrence of diabetes.
Type 1 and type 2 diabetes can occur for a number of reasons. The causes of diabetes differ from each person and can have different effects on the human body, diabetes may not be noticeable from the first stage. If you would like free weekly diabetic recipes sent to your email inbox then you can subscribe to our free weekly diabetic recipe newsletter, a healthy and balanced diet is essential for anyone with diabetes.
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What Are the First Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes Type 2 - The Likely Causes of Diabetes Type 2
Your Child Has Diabetes?
Well, first of all, diabetes is divided into 2 types, commonly known as Diabetes Type 1 and Diabetes Type 2.
If you have a Diabetes Type 1, the probability that your child will have the same condition is 1:17. If you are a mother with Diabetes Type 1 and deliver a child when you are under 25 years old, then the probability that your child will be diagnosed with the same condition is 1:25. The probability decreases to 1:100 if you give birth over 25 years old.
The risk that your child will have diabetes is doubled if you are diagnosed with Diabetes Type 1 before you turn 11. Should you and your spouse both have Diabetes Type 1, then the probability that your child also has it will increase starting from 1:10 up to 1:4.
What about Diabetes Type 2? This kind of diabetes does have a larger genetical basis than Diabetes Type 1. Though, a huge influence also comes from external factors such as environments, way of lifes, eating habits, etc.
Generally, if you are diagnosed with a Diabetes Type 2 since you are under 50 years old, then the probability for your child to have the same condition is 1:7. The probability decreases to 1:13 if you are diagnosed with it over 50.
Some experts stated that the risk of passing on diabetes to your children will get bigger if the one who has diabetes is the mother. If both parents have Diabetes Type 2, the probability for the child to be diagnosed with the same condition is 1:2.
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Diabetes Levels: How To Get Rid of Diabetes
Of all the diseases that afflict human beings in this century, diabetes is perhaps the most common disease. In this article I will tell you how you can get rid of diabetes easily.
The awful thing about diabetes is that it is not easy to detect its symptoms. Sometimes a diabetes patient will show no symptoms at all, until the disease has reached malignant proportions. Some people think that too much craving for sweet foods is an indication that the person is suffering from diabetes. In my opinion, it is nothing but a myth. There are far too many people who have a sweet tooth but don't suffer from diabetes. Do you know what causes diabetes?
Diabetes is usually caused because of lack of insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps us to derive energy from foods. We may eat lots of foods, but since our body is deficient in insulin, these foods never add to our nutrition and we don't derive any energy from them.
People of any age group can be affected by diabetes. Medical science has categorized diabetes into two main types: type1 diabetes and type2 diabetes. Type1 diabetes mostly affects children. Type1 diabetes patients are unable to produce any insulin at all. Treatment for type1 diabetes involves insulin injections, as well as a strict diet and exercise regimen. Type2 diabetes patients, on the other hand, do produce some insulin but this insulin is not enough to control their blood sugar levels. Usually it is adults who suffer from type2 diabetes. Treatment for type2 diabetes generally includes a strict diet and exercise regimen.
Since diabetes is a disease of a lifetime, it is imperative that you take immediate steps to alleviate your pain and misery. Apart from the medications prescribed by your doctor, you should control your diet. You should try to abstain from sweet foods as much as possible. Remember, the fewer carbohydrates you consume in the form of sugar, the better for your health. It is also vital that you exercise regularly to make your body sensitive to insulin. When your body becomes sensitive to the insulin produced by pancreas, your blood sugar level will be lowered and you will be able to get rid of diabetes easily!
Diabetes doesn't mean the end of life. It can be easily controlled, if you are willing to follow the rules. I would suggest that you also join a diabetes membership site or a diabetes support group. This would help you keep focused on your health and you will be able to recover from diabetes faster.
Discover How To Alleviate Diabetes Easily Without Medicines For more information on how to cure diabetes, visit us at:
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Diabetes in Pregnancy - Gestational Diabetes
Diabetes is a problem when human body is either not producing or using insulin. Insulin is a hormone that converts starch, sugar or other food items into energy. The problem starts when there is increase in the level of sugar in blood. Insulin controls the blood sugar level in the body. It affects the entire world but most cases related to diabetes seen in U.S.A. About 16 million of people is caught by disease and nearly 5 million of people are those who unaware of this disease.
Gestational Diabetes
Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that affects pregnant women. A general survey says this type of diabetes caught almost 4% of all pregnant women. It also says about 1, 30,000 cases of gestational diabetes are come to light every year. Hormones produced in women's body during pregnancy reduced insulin in her body, which leads to problem of high blood sugar in the body. During pregnancy a mother needs three times of insulin to convert starch into energy for more energy. When her body becomes unable to use insulin the problem goes to gestational diabetes.
Diabetes is a problem that causes to anyone who has less receptivity to insulin but main reasons for the cause of this in pregnant woman if she has late pregnancy. Obesity is one of reasons for diabetes. Another one is previous pregnancy resulting a baby having weight 9 pounds and more.
Symptoms of gestational diabetes are increased thirst, increased urination, feeling tired all the time, nausea and vomiting. Sometimes victim also have blurred vision, yeast infection and bladder infection.
To solve this problem pregnant woman should follow the treatment plans for their health care. She should take a healthy diet. Mother should keep her blood sugar in a target level. She should get regular physical activity. Also, she should keep healthy weight.
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Diabetes Checkups
You may be wondering what to expect when you go to the doctor for your regular diabetes checkup. He or she will begin by checking your weight. This has a special significance for those with diabetes. Your weight can be very closely correlated to your ability to control your diabetes. Losing weight can improve your ability to keep your diabetes under control.
Your physician will also want to monitor your blood pressure. Your blood pressure may alert your m.d. to any circulatory problems you have. Since diabetes is also a blood condition, it is important that they monitor your circulatory health. When your blood pressure is high, it alerts your medical advisor that your heart is under more stress. An adjustment in your lifestyle will be necessary if your blood pressure gets high. He or she may also want to prescribe some medications to control your blood pressure.
Your doctor will also check on your understanding of your diabetes. If you have any questions about your diabetes, your MD should be happy and willing to answer them. This is your opportunity to have any questions you have about diabetes answered. Many people find it helpful to make a list of questions ahead of time so that they will not forget what they want to ask during the diabetes checkup. You may have concerns that your general practitioner does not know about. Your physician cannot know what these concerns are unless you remember to ask them. Part of effective diabetes treatment is understanding the condition.
They will want to take a measurement of your A1C levels. He will want to have these A1C levels measured at least twice per year. The A1C levels will describe your average blood glucose levels to your doctor This average is composed of a period of two to four month of blood glucose levels. This helps your physician customize your diabetes treatment program.
Learn the facts about Diabetes Mellitis. Visit our website now.
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Learn the facts about Diabetes Mellitis. Visit our website now.
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Diabetes Treatment - Complications of Poorly Controlled Diabetes
What is known about the risk of complications in Type 1 diabetes?
It is unusual for people with type 1 diabetes to have complications such as retinopathy and nephropathy within the first five years of their diabetes.
Studies have shown that the risk of kidney damage and eye disease are more common in people with poor control. This risk rises steeply above HbA1c values of 9% and is highest if the HbA1c value is above 12%.
The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) showed that 12% of people Type 1 diabetes who were intensively treated (tight control) developed new retinopathy changes after nine years, compared to 54% of people who were treated with conventional (less tight control) methods. Progressive retinopathy was uncommon at HbA1c levels below 7%. People with very mild retinopathy were also less likely to progress to severe retinopathy if they were well controlled.
Similar observations have been made for diabetic nephropathy. Once retinopathy or nephropathy are well established, tight control is unlikely to provide a significant benefit. Prevention of complications is therefore desirable in people with Type 1 diabetes by tight control, started early, in suitable people.
What is known about the risk of complications in Type 2 diabetes?
The main concern in Type 2 diabetes, is with regard to the risk of vascular complications. This form of diabetes carries a heightened risk of heart attacks, stroke and circulatory problems.
The United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study showed that high blood glucose concentrations contribute to the risk of small vessel disease in type 2 diabetes as well. The researchers examined over 4000 people with type 2 diabetes, once again looking at the effects of 'intensive' and 'conventional' treatment. Over a period of ten years, people in the intensively treated group, who had an HbA1c level of 7.0% (compared to 7.9% in the conventional treatment group) were found to have a 25% risk reduction in complications such as eye and kidney disease.
Does everyone with diabetes develop complications?
No, not everyone who has diabetes will develop complications. There is good evidence that good control of blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol lowering, a healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise and no smoking will prevent complications in most people.
Can these complications be cured?
Acute complications of diabetes usually resolve completely with treatment.
Once the chronic complications of diabetes are extablished, they rarely resolve completely. The best counsel therefore, is that of 'prevention'. Much can be done to alleviate the problems associated with chronic complications of diabetes.
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Five Herbal Tips to Cure Diabetes
Diabetes is a rapidly growing problem. The treatment of diabetes is being developed in different medical fields. Some of these treatments have been proven to show great potential. One out of those is the herbal treatment for the various aspects of diabetes.
Following are some of the herbal tips for diabetic patients.
Curry Leaves
Eat 8-10 fresh curry leaves daily in the morning for approximately three months
It delays even the diabetes which is carried in the genes. The leaves due to its weight reducing property also prevent the diabetes due to obesity. As the weight decreases a diabetic patient stop to pass glucose contents in the urine.
Fenugreek seeds
Take 2 teaspoons full of fenugreek seeds (in the powdered form) daily in the morning preferably with the milk. Another way of using this is to soak 10-12 seeds in water at night and drink that water in the morning.
It helps to control even very high blood glucose levels.
Mix equal quantity of powdered jumbal, amla and bitter gourd. Take one tablespoon of this mixture once or twice a day.
It hinders the progress of diabetes.
The decoction of the bark of Madhuca tree cure the diabetes.
It helps by lowering down the blood sugar level.
Swallow a clove of garlic daily in the morning.
The constituents of the garlic have been scientifically proved to lower down the blood sugar level.
Herbs play a very important role in the managing and even curing the diabetes.The above herbal tips if applied properly as per instruction will give guaranteed results.
Diabetes is not something to play with rather it requires a quick action. So check - Diabetes Information and find many more guaranteed cures of diabetes.
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Diabetes Supplements
Researchers have found that certain herbal products, vitamins and minerals can help in the treatment of diabetes. These products are commonly known as diabetes supplements. Many diabetes supplements assist in controlling diabetes by controlling blood glucose levels. Using them in conjunction with exercise and sensible eating is the best alternative treatment for type II diabetes. That is why they have become so popular these days.
Most diabetes supplements are natural products obtained from herbs. They commonly have no side effects. Diabetes supplements are also nutritional supplements having all natural ingredients needed for normal growth and well being. They can be used in conjunction with medication. Diabetes supplements should be taken after consulting a physician, as some medicines may produce complex reactions.
Most diabetes supplements are effective in treating the illness, but at very slow pace. At least 6 months is needed to determine if a particular supplement is effective. These supplements have to be taken in recommended quantities as prescribed by diabetes supplement companies. Diabetes supplements often don?t require a prescription, but it is better to consult a doctor before taking them.
Diabetes supplements control diabetes by keeping a nutritional balance. They contain essential dietary ingredients such as carbohydrates, vitamins and recommended minerals such as magnesium and vanadium. Herbs used as diabetes supplements include gymnema, fenugreek, cayenne, dandelion, kidney beans, bitter melon, bilberry and ginseng. Diabetes supplements come in liquid, pills and syrup forms. Today, there are a number of diabetes supplements available.
Diabetes supplements treat the disease in different ways. Most of them simulate natural insulin production, some reduce nerve damage, others heal wounds, enhance liver function, while some others boost the immune system of the body. Some supplements such as cayenne and licorice root increase blood circulation through narrowed blood vessels.
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3 Super Tasty Savoury Diabetic Recipes by Tom Parker
Diabetes is a condition that develops when your body can no longer produce insulin (type 1 diabetes) or your body's ability to produce insulin is inhibited (type 2 diabetes). This restricts your ability to absorb blood sugar and leads to your blood sugar levels becoming extremely high. However, there other ways to control your blood sugar and diet is widely agreed to be one of the best. In this article I will be providing you with three savoury diabetic recipes you can use to keep your condition under control.
You will need:
- 4 oz. chicken
- 1 egg
- 4 oz. cooked peas
- 1/3 c. dry milk
- 2 tbsp. dehydrated onion flakes
- 2 tbsp. green peppers, diced
- 2 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
- 1/2 tsp. salt, seasoned
- 1/2 c. water
- 2 tbsp. pimento, chopped
To prepare combine all the ingredients in a casserole dish, place in the oven and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.
You will need:
- 6 oz. salmon
- 1 tbsp. chopped green pepper
- 1/4 tsp. onion flakes
- 1/4 tsp. horseradish
- 1 to 2 tbsp. diet French dressing
- 3 oz. Swiss cheese
- 6 slices tomatoes
- 3 slices of toast
To prepare mix the first 5 ingredients together and then divide the mix into thirds. After this spread the mix on 3 slices of toast and 1 ounce cheese and 2 slices of tomato to each slice. Finally, place under the broiler until the cheese bubbles.
You will need:
- 8 oz. onions. sliced
- 4 oz. Swiss cheese, grated
- 4 eggs, slightly beaten
- 2 c. skim milk
- 2 tsp. salt
- 1 tsp. pepper
- 1 tsp. garlic powder
- 4 slices enriched white bread, crumbled, divided in half
To prepare combine all the ingredients except 1/2 of the bread crumbs in a casserole dish. Mix them well and then top the casserole with the remaining bread crumbs. Place the casserole in the oven and bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes (or longer if the casserole is not cooked all the way through. The finished casserole should serve 4 people.
I hope you enjoy cooking and eating these tasty recipes. Many people who are diagnosed with diabetes think that their diet will become bland and boring but these recipes are proof that this is simply not the case. So what are you waiting for? Get yourself in the kitchen and start testing these fantastic recipes today.
Types of diabetes
The American Diabetes Association adopted the following classification in 1979.
Type –1, insulin-dependent diabetes
Type-2, non insulin-dependent diabetes
There are two other kinds of diabetes, known as gestational diabetes and secondary diabetes. There is also a special kind of diabetes in India called malnutrition related diabetes.
Type-1 Insulin-Dependant Diabetes
This is the most severe form of diabetes. It develops when pancreas makes little or no insulin. Without insulin in the blood stream, sugar does not get into the cells, and remains in the blood. People with type-1 diabetes depend on injections of insulin to regulate their smaller metabolism.
Type-2 Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes
This type of diabetes is also known as adult onset diabetes. It seldom develops before the age of 40 years, although it may occur at any stage. Infect the incidence of type-2 diabetes in adolescents in on the rise. But because the symptoms are milk, these may not notice and the condition remains undetected for a long period and till later years.
One common factor in both type-1 and type-2 diabetes is elevated blood sugar levels. However, unlike type-1 diabetes, type-2 is not a disease of the immune system. While people with type-1 diabetes must use insulin to live, most of those with type-2 diabetes are able to control the disease and even reverse it. This is possible by a combination of appropriate diet, proper weight control and adequate exercise.
For complete information on diabetes information, diabetes supply, diabetes treatment, diabetes diet visit
Dr John Anne
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Diabetes Research - Learn How to Treat Diabetes Now!
As you grow older over the years, your health becomes an issue if you do not watch it closely and take care of yourself. If you have diabetes, things become even more difficult. In many cases the health treatments may be more pain and suffering than it is worth living. If you want to prolong your life and live healthy life diabetes free below are some great treatments.
1. Essential Geriatric Diabetes Treatment
For those without much health or time left, it makes little sense to be burdened with treating just one of many deteriorating conditions. Instead, basic geriatric diabetes care for this may include just enough treatment to make sure diabetes isn't the worst condition the person has. The focus will be on comfort. Such things as proper hydration and pain management will be TOP priorities.
2. Rigorous Geriatric Diabetes Treatment
Rigorous geriatric diabetes treatment programs are not much different than what a middle-aged patient with diabetes would be doing for his/her diabetes. This treatment is usually for patients who have no major looming, serious ailments or disease conditions. If you are such a person, failure to get on a complete diabetes treatment program could very well lead to diabetic complications.
I have been living with diabetes for over 20 years now. It is possible to completely slow down the progression and one day it will be treatable. Whatever you do, please do not give up on life. Diabetes is a serious disease but with the proper treatment you can live a normal life.
Gary Sanders is an expert and diabetes research expert. He has dedicated the last decade of his life to mastering every aspect of diabetes including nutrition, symptoms of diabetes, diagnosis, and prevention. He has created an award winning guide that is available at
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Diabetes Treatment and Medicare
In this article I will tell you about diabetes and exercises use to reduce diabetes from the body. Diabetes is a disease in which blood glucose, or sugar, levels are too high. Diabetes is a set of related diseases in which the body cannot regulate the amount of sugar in the blood. Without enough insulin, the glucose stays in your blood. Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can damage your eyes, kidneys, and nerves. Diabetes can also cause heart disease. Diabetes can damage heart, liver, and kidney and can cause blindness, and much more.
Approximately 75% of diabetes dies of heart disease, strokes, or other type of blood circulation problem.
Types of diabetes
# Type 1 diabetes usually develops in children or young adults.
# Type 2 diabetes results when the body does not produce enough insulin and.
To manage your diabetes well, it is very important that you:
* Don’t smoke
* Keep your blood glucose levels in your target range
* Keep your weight in a healthy range
* Take your medication as prescribed
Diabetes Treatment
Before the discover of insulin everyone with type 1 diabetes died with in a few year.The most effective treatment of diabetes consists of exercise and proper nutrition. Treatment should also include quitting smoking, maintaining good blood pressure readings. The most common of the early symptoms of diabetes is excessive thirst. And the most effective way to reduce diabetes is to adequate rest during exercise sessions to prevent high blood pressure, use low impact exercises and avoid heavy weight lifting, and always have a supply of carbohydrates nearby. Proper exercise and nutrition are the best forms of preventing diabetes. Treatment of type 1 diabetes: Type 1 Diabetes must be treated with insulin shots. This involves injecting insulin under the skin in the fat.
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Diabetes Treatment - Which Is The Best Choice Between New Diabetes Medications?
When they first sprang out at their time, drugs were the marvelous choice for diabetes treatment. Many diabetics have used them, and they could lower their blood sugar levels.
But, there were seen some severe side effects of all these diabetes drugs, from hypoglycemia (the most common side effect) to irreversible liver damages.
The great machinery of pharmaceuticals has done its best to come up with new diabetes medications as a choice for the old drugs side effects. But, even with these new drugs, other severe side effects appeared. As a consequence, most of them such as alpha glucosidase inhibitors are not used anymore as a diabetes treatment.
Anyway, basically diabetes treatment depends on the type of diabetes you have. For type 1 diabetes, insulin remains the only drug prescribed, although it has side effects.
Meanwhile, for type2 diabetes, at first it is recommended to use oral hypoglicemiants of one of the following three main groups:
1 Sulfonylurea (Chlorpropamide) - these drugs stimulate beta cells in pancreas to produce insulin.
2 Biguanides (Metformin) - it improved the use of glucose from body cells; and reduce the amount of sugar produced from the liver
3 Thiazolidinediones - they improve the intake of glucose by your fat and muscle tissue
One other group remains Alfa glucosidase inhibitors that inhibit the enzyme alfa glucosidase in intestine. In this way, glucose is not absorbed and gases may be formed and cause many digestive problems.
This is one part of medallion for diabetes treatment using the drugs. There is one other part consisting in changing your everyday lifestyle habits, or even using the all kind foods your body needs.
For your further education on diabetes treatment, and several drugs that can be used for this purpose, you can visit
Here you can find the latest information about how to beat diabetes naturally.
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Diabetes Treatment - Is Diet Important In Diabetes?
Diabetes is a very common condition that requires a very healthy diet. So, yes if you suffer from diabetes you should be very careful about your diet. Here are some important things to do when having diabetes. First of all, when having diabetes it is very important that you achieve a good weight and try to keep it. This is a trick to control the glucose level in your blood if you have diabetes. Lots of people with diabetes have tried that and it works.
Doctors often give their diabetes patients a diet prescription as well as a part of their diabetes treatment. Most of the diets that are given to people who have diabetes are very easy to follow and they are also very healthy. There is no standard diet when diabetes is concerned. If you are a person that has diabetes, there are many places where you can ask for help. The first person to go to is your doctor. He/ she can tell you some names of dietitians that you can ask for help with your diabetes diet.
You might also go to the local centers for diabetes, which are usually found in hospitals or clinics.
Experts that studied diabetes can also give you a guideline when diabetes is concerned. They say that if you eat more light meals a day, instead of two or three big ones, it can help you very much with your diabetes. This method can help you in avoiding high blood pressure. It is also extremely good in diabetes, because it lowers the level of glucose in your body. It is also crucial that you do not start drastic diets if you suffer from diabetes. The best way to go when you have diabetes and want to loose weight is to drop about two
pounds a week. The people who have diabetes are more at risk of developing any heart disease than those that do not suffer from diabetes. The best thing to do in these circumstances is to loose some weight. It is also very important if you have diabetes to avoid any saturated fats and of course cholesterol. To keep your blood cholesterol low, in diabetes, exchange saturated fats with unsaturated fat. Thus, try to avoid meat or dairy products if you have diabetes. These products are very high in saturated fats. Instead of normal oil, try olive oil which is a source of mono saturated fat.
So, if you want to find out more about type 2 diabetes or even about what causes diabetes please follow this link
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What is Diabetes? Treat it Now!
What is diabetes? Is there more than 1 type?
Diabetes mellitus (aka Diabetes) is characterized by high levels of blood sugar caused by the levels of insulin. When it becomes too low, diabetes forms. There are three types of diabetes: type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes.
Type 1:
Insulin, which our body requires to control the levels of sugar in our blood, is created by the beta cells in the pancreas, or, more specifically, in the Islets of Langerhans, which is a part of the pancreas. In Type 1 diabetes, you will see it in children a lot more than adults.
Cautious watching of the blood sugar levels and replacement of insulin is the treatment for type 1 diabetes. There is no cure for type 1 diabetes, but there are ways to slow down the progression.
Type 2:
Type 2 diabetes is much worse than type 1. This combines resistance to insulin to lack of secretion of insulin. Proper diet and exercise is the best way to treat this disease.
Gestational diabetes
This disease is fairly common and is the sort of diabetes that affects women during pregnancy. This may go away when the baby is born. There are plenty of treatments for this type of diabetes. Finding the right treatment is easy if you spend a few minutes researching. I have been a diabetes suffer for a long time and I finally learned the secrets to treating it. Even though I have diabetes, I live an extremely comfortable life. Don't think diabetes will prevent you from living the type of life you want to live!
Gary Sanders is an expert and answers the question What is diabetes? He has dedicated the last decade of his life to mastering every aspect of diabetes including nutrition, symptoms of diabetes, diagnosis, and prevention. He has created an award winning guide that is available at
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Treatments of Diabetes
Before the discovery of insulin in 1921, everyone with type 1 diabetes died within a few years after diagnosis. Although insulin is not considered a cure, its discovery was the first major breakthrough in diabetes treatment.
Today, healthy eating, physical activity, and insulin via injection or an insulin pump are the basic therapies for type 1 diabetes. The amount of insulin must be balanced with food intake and daily activities. Blood glucose levels must be closely monitored through frequent blood glucose checking.
Healthy eating, physical activity, and blood glucose testing are the basic management tools for type 2 diabetes. In addition, many people with type 2 diabetes require oral medication and insulin to control their blood glucose levels.
People with diabetes must take responsibility for their day-to-day care. Much of the daily care involves keeping blood glucose levels from going too low or too high. When blood glucose levels drop too low from certain diabetes medicines--a condition known as hypoglycemia--a person can become nervous, shaky, and confused. Judgment can be impaired. If blood glucose falls too low, a person can faint.
Treatment of type 1 diabetes: Type 1 Diabetes must be treated with insulin shots. This involves injecting insulin under the skin -- in the fat -- for it to get absorbed into the blood stream where it can then access all the cells of the body which require it. Insulin cannot be taken as a pill because the juices in the stomach would destroy the insulin before it could work. Lack of insulin production by the pancreas makes type 1 diabetes particularly difficult to control. Treatment requires a strict regimen that typically includes a carefully calculated diet, planned physical activity, home blood glucose testing several times a day, and multiple daily insulin injections.
Treatment of type 2 diabetes: Treatment typically includes diet control, exercise, home blood glucose testing, and, in some cases, oral medication and/or insulin. Approximately 40 percent of people with type 2 diabetes require insulin injections.
For more more information about treatments of diabetes please visit
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Diabetes Treatment - Historical Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes has a very long history dating far beyond the 16th century. The treatments for diabetes are just as old. For the longest time, we did not know there was more than one kind of diabetes, so there was no difference in treatments.
Beginning in the late 1700's, the most common treatment for diabetes was a diet of plain blood puddings, fat, and rancid meat. It may sound disgusting, but these foods seemed to be the only ones diabetic bodies could process.
In 1871, a French doctor noticed improvements in his diabetic patients during the food rations through out the Siege of Paris. He then began creating special diets, tailored to each of his patients, which controlled their symptoms.
In the early 1920's, insulin was discovered and scientists began studying the effectiveness of insulin treatments over time. In 1922 the first insulin injection treatment for diabetes was given to a human. With the treatment, he lived for another 13 years before dying of pneumonia. Insulin quickly became available to the public
By 1959, diabetes had been identified as having two types: Type 1 diabetes being insulin dependent and Type 2 diabetes not being insulin dependent.
Today, type 2 diabetes is treated with proper diet, exercise, and close monitoring of blood glucose levels. In severe cases, insulin injections may be used. Type 2 diabetes is preventable by eating right and exercising on a regular basis. People who have a high risk factor need to always keep the basic symptoms of diabetes in their minds, increased thirst, increased hunger, and excess urination.
Curious about learning more? Read more articles at Plan 4 Diabetics and learn more about diabetes, its current treatments, alternative treatments, and its causes.
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