Alternative Diabetes Treatment

There are a number of alternative diabetes treatments available. Use of herbs and other supplements should be a part of your treatment. As with any disease, providing your body with the nutrients it needs to repair and rebuild itself is key to your good health.

Herbal medicines have been used in treating diabetes for centuries, and these medicines can regulate the glucose levels in your body.

Some of the herbs that are safe and effective as alternative diabetes treatment include:

Green tea
American ginseng
Bitter melon

You might try Aloe Vera. Some clinics have documented that users of this plant extract show a great improvement especially in those who have type-2 diabetes.

In addition to herbs, there are other supplements that can help control diabetes.
Some of these include the following:

Fiber: High fiber content prevents development of type-2 diabetes, improves cholesterol levels and triglyceride level, and lower average glucose and insulin levels. It is a very effective control.

Magnesium: Low levels of magnesium in the body worsen blood sugar levels in type-2 diabetes patients. Foods rich in magnesium include bananas, seeds, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, nuts, and legumes. The magnesium supplements promote healthy blood glucose levels

Chromium: this is found in foods and supplements like cheese, vegetables, meat, fish, liver, and whole grains. While Magnesium controls glucose, Chromium enhances your body's sensitivity to insulin.

Antioxidants: Antioxidants that reverse the symptoms of diabetes and reduce the risk of associated complications include vitamin E, selenium, and zinc, vitamin C, and beta - carotene.

There are more alternative diabetes treatments and cures on the horizon. If you would like information on an exciting breakthrough in diabetes reversal and cure, hop over to

Kyrn Linn is a natural treatment practitioner who researches and finds the best natural remedies and treatments known to man. Her studies involve all facets of human living including health,relationships,finances,and self help.

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Diabetes - Reasons and Results

Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your body doesn't make enough of a hormone called insulin, or if your body doesn't use insulin the right way. If left untreated, it may result in blindness, heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure and amputations.

Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life. Diabetes can affect the eye in a number of ways. The most serious eye condition associated with diabetes involves the retina, and, more specifically, the network of blood vessels lying within it. Diabetes can damage blood vessels and nerves and decrease the body's ability to fight infection. You may not notice a foot injury until an infection develops.

Diabetes is a chronic medical condition, meaning that although it can be controlled, it lasts a lifetime. Diabetes can also result from other hormonal disturbances, such as excessive growth hormone production (acromegaly) and Cushing's syndrome. Diabetes is a disease in which blood glucose levels are above normal. People with diabetes have problems converting food to energy.

Diabetes is a disease in which blood glucose levels are above normal. People with diabetes have problems converting food to energy. Diabetes mellitus is a common disease in the United States. It is estimated that over 16 million Americans are already caught with diabetes, and 5.4 million diabetics are not aware of the existing disease. Diabetes is a serious condition. But with your active participation and the support of your health care team, you can manage diabetes while enjoying an active, healthy life.

Bugra Bayramoglu , is a type1 since 1995. You can find his reviews and download your free guide on his Free Diabetes Help Site.

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Other Beneficial Foods for Diabetic Patients

1. Almond: The use of almond, after its oil has been extracted, is considered beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. It does not contain any starch.
2. Banana: Bananas are believed to the useful in controlling diabetes. According to the Journal of American Medical Association, “Banana and Skimmed milk furnish a simple and effective method for weight reduction in treating diabetic patients”. Unripe bananas, cooked as a vegetable, are considered especially valuable in this disease.
3. Buttermilk: The use of the buttermilk has been found beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. Lactic Acid contained in it stimulates the secretion of the pancreas and thereby helps control blood sugar levels.
4. Flour: Certain whole grain cereals also help to lower blood sugar in diabetes. A mixture of certain flours made from cereals, grains, legumes, and pulses are especially beneficial. One such mixture can be prepared by combining the flour of Soya bean, black gram, jowar, bajra, Bengal gram, wheat bran and barley. This mixed flour can be used for preparing chapattis.
5. Legumes: Lentils and other legumes are considered valuable in diabetes. According to American journal of Clinical Nutrition, they are specially effective in the diet of diabetes patients because of their slow release of energy.
6. Sour Fruits: Certain tart or sour fruits have proved to be valuable in stimulating the pancreas and increase the production of insulin. These fruits include sour apple and sour citrus fruits, which can invigorate pancreas.
7. Teas: Certain types of teas are considered beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. Tea prepared from parsley has been found to lower blood sugar. Certain communities use tea made from tender leaves of walnut for controlling diabetes.
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Dr John Anne
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Causes of Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is a disease where the body no longer produces or properly uses insulin. There are many causes of diabetes like genetics and obesity, but why we get diabetes remains a mystery. There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2.

Type 1 diabetes is caused by the body's immune system destroys the insulin creating cells in the pancreas. This process quickly leads to a complete lack of insulin in the body, therefore forcing a dependency on insulin injections. There is no known way to prevent type 1 diabetes. Approximately 10% of all diabetes cases in the United States are type 1 diabetes. Onset generally occurs in children and young adults, but can occur in adults. This is called late onset type 1 diabetes. Most who are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes are otherwise healthy.

Type 2 diabetes occurs when your body can no longer absorb and process insulin properly. It also can occur when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin. Those who are at risk for getting type 2 diabetes are generally:

* Overweight
* Have family history of diabetes
* Had gestational diabetes

If you are like me, and fit one or more of the high risk factors, do not worry. There are ways you can prevent onset! The key to good health is exercise and healthy diet. I am always aware of the symptoms of diabetes so I can figure out what I am doing wrong or go to the doctor.

You can prevent diabetes much the same way it is treated. Eat right and exercise. Always be aware of the three warning signs of diabetes; excess thirst, excess hunger, excess urination. If you are having these symptoms, you should visit your doctor.

Want to know more? Come to check out more articles at Plan 4 Diabetics and learn more about diabetes and its treatments.

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What Are the First Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes Type 2 - The Likely Causes of Diabetes Type 2

There are many different causes for diabetes both diabetes type 1 and type 2 it is important that you notice the first signs of diabetes. Diabetes is a condition which is caused through not enough insulin being produced by the human body this then causes a high level of glucose in the blood. I am going to explain both the causes and signs of diabetes in both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is usually developed in young children or young adults, it usually develops quickly as the pancreas stops producing insulin type 1 diabetes is then treated with insulin shots however a healthy diet including a diabetic diet plan, exercise and managing your weight are all great strategies for controlling your diabetes whether it is type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

The causes of type 1 diabetes are thought to be from an auto immune disease this is basically the human body trying to protect its self against other parts of the body. The human body produces antibodies which attach them selves to the beta cells in the pancreas. The antibodies are thought to be destroying the cells which produce the insulin in the pancreas and therefore have an effect on the rate at which the body produces the insulin.

The causes of diabetes type 2 are increased development of glucose in the liver, insulin abnormalities, genes and the environment. There are many other causes such as obesity, old age, heredity conditions and also alcoholism which can play a role in the occurrence of diabetes.

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes can occur for a number of reasons. The causes of diabetes differ from each person and can have different effects on the human body, diabetes may not be noticeable from the first stage. If you would like free weekly diabetic recipes sent to your email inbox then you can subscribe to our free weekly diabetic recipe newsletter, a healthy and balanced diet is essential for anyone with diabetes.

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Your Child Has Diabetes?

Well, first of all, diabetes is divided into 2 types, commonly known as Diabetes Type 1 and Diabetes Type 2.

If you have a Diabetes Type 1, the probability that your child will have the same condition is 1:17. If you are a mother with Diabetes Type 1 and deliver a child when you are under 25 years old, then the probability that your child will be diagnosed with the same condition is 1:25. The probability decreases to 1:100 if you give birth over 25 years old.

The risk that your child will have diabetes is doubled if you are diagnosed with Diabetes Type 1 before you turn 11. Should you and your spouse both have Diabetes Type 1, then the probability that your child also has it will increase starting from 1:10 up to 1:4.

What about Diabetes Type 2? This kind of diabetes does have a larger genetical basis than Diabetes Type 1. Though, a huge influence also comes from external factors such as environments, way of lifes, eating habits, etc.

Generally, if you are diagnosed with a Diabetes Type 2 since you are under 50 years old, then the probability for your child to have the same condition is 1:7. The probability decreases to 1:13 if you are diagnosed with it over 50.

Some experts stated that the risk of passing on diabetes to your children will get bigger if the one who has diabetes is the mother. If both parents have Diabetes Type 2, the probability for the child to be diagnosed with the same condition is 1:2.

F. Aziz is the owner of Visit and see how this miracle oil could amazingly help you improve your health and treat diabetes.

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Diabetes Levels: How To Get Rid of Diabetes

Of all the diseases that afflict human beings in this century, diabetes is perhaps the most common disease. In this article I will tell you how you can get rid of diabetes easily.
The awful thing about diabetes is that it is not easy to detect its symptoms. Sometimes a diabetes patient will show no symptoms at all, until the disease has reached malignant proportions. Some people think that too much craving for sweet foods is an indication that the person is suffering from diabetes. In my opinion, it is nothing but a myth. There are far too many people who have a sweet tooth but don't suffer from diabetes. Do you know what causes diabetes?
Diabetes is usually caused because of lack of insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps us to derive energy from foods. We may eat lots of foods, but since our body is deficient in insulin, these foods never add to our nutrition and we don't derive any energy from them.
People of any age group can be affected by diabetes. Medical science has categorized diabetes into two main types: type1 diabetes and type2 diabetes. Type1 diabetes mostly affects children. Type1 diabetes patients are unable to produce any insulin at all. Treatment for type1 diabetes involves insulin injections, as well as a strict diet and exercise regimen. Type2 diabetes patients, on the other hand, do produce some insulin but this insulin is not enough to control their blood sugar levels. Usually it is adults who suffer from type2 diabetes. Treatment for type2 diabetes generally includes a strict diet and exercise regimen.
Since diabetes is a disease of a lifetime, it is imperative that you take immediate steps to alleviate your pain and misery. Apart from the medications prescribed by your doctor, you should control your diet. You should try to abstain from sweet foods as much as possible. Remember, the fewer carbohydrates you consume in the form of sugar, the better for your health. It is also vital that you exercise regularly to make your body sensitive to insulin. When your body becomes sensitive to the insulin produced by pancreas, your blood sugar level will be lowered and you will be able to get rid of diabetes easily!
Diabetes doesn't mean the end of life. It can be easily controlled, if you are willing to follow the rules. I would suggest that you also join a diabetes membership site or a diabetes support group. This would help you keep focused on your health and you will be able to recover from diabetes faster.
Discover How To Alleviate Diabetes Easily Without Medicines For more information on how to cure diabetes, visit us at:
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