What Are the First Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes Type 2 - The Likely Causes of Diabetes Type 2

There are many different causes for diabetes both diabetes type 1 and type 2 it is important that you notice the first signs of diabetes. Diabetes is a condition which is caused through not enough insulin being produced by the human body this then causes a high level of glucose in the blood. I am going to explain both the causes and signs of diabetes in both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is usually developed in young children or young adults, it usually develops quickly as the pancreas stops producing insulin type 1 diabetes is then treated with insulin shots however a healthy diet including a diabetic diet plan, exercise and managing your weight are all great strategies for controlling your diabetes whether it is type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

The causes of type 1 diabetes are thought to be from an auto immune disease this is basically the human body trying to protect its self against other parts of the body. The human body produces antibodies which attach them selves to the beta cells in the pancreas. The antibodies are thought to be destroying the cells which produce the insulin in the pancreas and therefore have an effect on the rate at which the body produces the insulin.

The causes of diabetes type 2 are increased development of glucose in the liver, insulin abnormalities, genes and the environment. There are many other causes such as obesity, old age, heredity conditions and also alcoholism which can play a role in the occurrence of diabetes.

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes can occur for a number of reasons. The causes of diabetes differ from each person and can have different effects on the human body, diabetes may not be noticeable from the first stage. If you would like free weekly diabetic recipes sent to your email inbox then you can subscribe to our free weekly diabetic recipe newsletter, a healthy and balanced diet is essential for anyone with diabetes.

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