The Effects Of EGCG Found In Tea On Diabetes Treatment

While there is not trusted and scientific substantiation of the effect I am about to describe, it has for a long time been assumed that a subtle part of green tea's widely regarded benefits is the belief that it can negate the glucose-induced effects of diabetes. It does this by always controlling the amount of the chemical glucose in the blood, which will certainly help to keep a check on the bad effects of type 1 diabetes.

Organic tea is currently being researched to see if it can be used to monitor blood sugar in the body and in truth has been used like this for a number of years. Many studies have demonstrated that green tea may help to prevent the growth of the disease and, if it has developed, may prevent the progress of the disease. Individuals suffering from diabetes for the most part produce barely any insulin. Insulin is a hormone that will convert glucose, starch compounds, and other foods into energy. Research has stated that Chinese tea allows the body to monitor glucose in the body, and so acts in a similar way to insulin, although this is yet to be totally proven.

Dave Green is the author of a green tea website, full of facts and information on the beverage.

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